Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My network has changed the way I learn in a variety of ways. In viewing my mind map, I have noticed how heavily I rely on data sources for collaboration. I have always known I work better with people; I just didn’t realize how working online collaboratively have impacted the way I learn and where I get my information.

I believe the digital tools that best facilitate my learning include Skype, Wikis, and blogs. Though I was afraid that these tools would not give me the knowledge I need beyond a face-to-face environment; I was wrong. A year ago, social presence was indeed a problem for my extroverted personality. I thought I would never feel as comfortable online collaborating with people as I do face-to-face, but again, I was wrong. The digital tools used in collaborating online have allowed my extroverted personality to flourish, and learning continues in more depth.

When learning new knowledge, the first place I go is online. I use a variety of tools to get the answers I need, but I also like to confirm my new knowledge through friends, my spouse, and even other digital sources including journals. I may not use social media as my top choice when learning new knowledge, but I share new information in that manner. When seeking professional knowledge, I frequently use digital tools such as wikis, blogs, emails, and Skype.

Though I was surprised how my access to knowledge has changed when viewing it on the mind map, I am optimistic that it will continue to be impacted by digital tools for collaboration. Where you surprise after completing your mind map? What was the most shocking discovery?

~Wanda Ardoin-Bailey


Thursday, April 7, 2011


Wanda Ardoin-Bailey
Module 3 Blog Assignment

Yes, I believe humans have a basic instinct to work together. As long as I can remember, teamwork was the biggest buzz word in any industry. When I was in high school, it was the most important character trait.  This continued through college and as a high school teacher. If being a team player is an important character trait, then being able to work well with others seem to encompass the biggest advantages.

However, being a team player with others outside an industry seems to be an extension of teamwork of the past. Though we still will always have Coke competing against Pepsi and PCs with Mac, cooperation among large industries will be the new way to give more and learn more.  It may mean those “big corporations” will be lead by new and innovative companies with the idea of sharing and collaborating as part of their mission with its new form of wealth as Rheingold explains (2008).

One extensive study shows how important collaborative tools can be for effective communication.  These tools in the study included the use of Skype, mobile e-mails, and Sharepoint. Though there were obstacles to cross such as privacy and security concerns, those interviewed found tremendous benefits in using these collaborative tools.

Technology facilitates collaboration according to Driscoll (2005) by providing experts from a variety of places to interact with learners, providing students with simulations that gives them real world experiences without the cost or the danger, and helping students to be aware of what they are actually learning and by becoming managers of their own learning process.

Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from

Responses were made to the blogs of Christine Rand and Christine Moore