Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I tried to respond to Lauren Dart's Blog

This is the first time I have ventured into e-books as well.  As with any change to the norm, I found it a little difficult at first, and my behavior in taking notes had to change a little too. Once my behavior changed, my attitude about e-books was altered, and after I discovered the versatility of e-books, I will continue buying them when offered.  My e-book was with me more than any form of written texts has ever been. I used Course Smart eTextbooks Application on my Iphone4 and had information at my fingertips whenever I needed it.  I would encourage anyone to try e-books for class textbooks.

I am trying to respond to Chris Wallo


The human touch of teaching cannot be replaced in  any form of learning. This human touch might include a face to face experience or it might include connections using a variety of technology tools; however, nothing can replace it. One of the first thing I learned while beginning my distance education venture is that technology can enhance learning and motivate learners. This is why I have chosen this curriculum.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Philosophy of Learning

“All tools on deck” is my philosophy of learning.  I believe what works for one may not work for the same one another day or time.  Variety of instruction is the key to learning, and using variety motivates our students. When our students are motivated, they are interested in learning. When they are interested in learning and see success based on their actions, they will continue to succeed.
Technology offers all that I see important to teach students to be motivated, successful life-long learners. It offers information beyond a single person or books.  It offers others experiences, and with open spaces, it allows the opportunity to connect, collaborate, revise, and repost information based on interests and ideas of original creators.

Wanda Ardoin-Bailey

I responded to L. Dart and Chris Wallo originally on May 25 as a separate post due to problems with the blogger site. I have recently copied the comments to the composers' posts.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Technologies and the ARCS Design

I responded to the blogs of LaTonya Simmons and Bradley Gogan.

My assistant principal is not too keen on the idea of using social media and/or cell phones as an effective tool in education; however, since my leave of absence to care for my mother, I have been working with my students via smart phone.  By using e-mails, videos, and social media through my cell phone, I have encouraged my students, answered questions, viewed their work before submission, and checked for understanding during critical times of their projects. I have been sharing my students’ accomplishments with my principal through the ordeal. Though motivation is important for students, everyone can gain insight using this motivational design.  First, involving my principal was strictly for documentation purposes.  I wanted to make sure there was nothing that could be construed inappropriate by responding to my students through the various uses of technology. I didn’t realize this would gain the interest of my principal. Many of the features I used on my smart phone were features he was interested in using because he had recently purchased a phone and was clueless to its advanced mechanisms. Second, by making the use of my smart phone relevant to his needs, he understood the importance of my role with the students even though I was not in the classroom. Third, as I continued to share the information with my students, my principal asked about certain items of his phone and instructions on how to use specific features.  At one time, I gave him directions on how to take a picture of an item that is currently on his smart phone screen. Last, I hope that because of the inquiries related to his Iphone4, he is using the phone more and appreciates the use of the phone with my students.  I plan on incorporating the use my phone next year when I return to the classroom.
Below is a hyperlink explaining ARCS for the novice. I didn’t really realize I was utilizing this method, but after rereading the sections in our text and viewing the link, I understood the importance of laying the ground work for using this technology next year.

Wanda Ardoin-Bailey